OverviewEAP Services Welcome! We’re glad you’re taking time to visit this site. Services are available to you and your household members, including dependent children up to age 26, whether they live at home or not. The next time you’re confronted with a problem, whether it’s something small or extremely daunting, consider contacting your Employee Assistance Program for help today at the number below if you’re struggling or just need help getting unstuck AccessibleWe’re here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can call anytime for:
Easy To UseCall us to find out your exact services. When you can use additional services, we’ll work together with your mental health benefits through your health plan or refer you to community resources to help you resolve your issue. Our services are in addition to any mental health benefits you may have through your health plan. All our counselors are qualified mental health professionals. But most of all, it’s important for you to be comfortable. If for any reason you’d prefer to talk to a different counselor, just let us know and we’ll reschedule you with someone else. You can even choose to work with a professional through televideo services. Televideo connects you to a counselor from the comfort of your own home. Simply use your computer, internet connection and webcam to talk in real time. |
Support ServicesIn addition to these web-based services, you can call us anytime for caring and effective services to help balance your personal and professional life. Some of the areas we can help with include:
ConfidentialOur services are confidential. That means if you or a family member calls the toll-free number, neither your employer nor anyone else will know you used the program unless you choose to tell them. All calls are confidential except as required by law (e. g., when a person’s emotional condition is a threat to him- or herself or others, there is suspected child, spousal or elder abuse or abuse to people with disabilities). Cost FreeThis is a service you receive through your employer, so there’s no charge when you call us. |
* See full benefit summaries for details, exclusions, out of network co-pays, & other coverage. Covered expenses only. This web site is not a legal document. This web site is not a guarantee of coverage, eligibility, or provider status and is designed for informational illustration only. Benefits outlined on this web site are subject to change at any time. Please consult your benefit plan provider(s) or administrator(s) for legal documents regarding your plan and to check coverage and/or eligibility